Term 4 2024
Monday 9th December-Wednesday 11th December – BSC Year 7 Transition days
Tuesday 10th December - State-wide Transition Day 9am -3.30pm
Monday 16th December –3/4 Pool Party 12:00-2:00pm
Tuesday 17th December – Kanga Cricket Grades 3-6, 9:00-2:00pm
Wednesday 18th December – F/1/2 Pool Party 12:00 – 2:00pm
Wednesday 18th December – Year 6 Graduation
Thursday 19th December –5/6 Pool Party 12:00 – 2:00pm
Thursday 19th December – Last day of term for students 3.30pm finish
Term 1 2025
Monday 13th January to Friday 24th January – Vacation Care operating
Tuesday 28th January - Pulip Free Day - Vacation Care operating
Wednesday 29th January – 1st day of school for all students
Friday 31st January – School Swimming Sports Years 3-6
Wednesday 5th February – No school for Foundation students
Wednesday 12th February - No school for Foundation students
Thursday 13th February – District Swimming Sports
Friday 14th February – MTB – Falls Creek
Wednesday 19th February – No school for Foundation students
Friday 21st February – Division Swimming Sports
Wednesday 26th February – No school for Foundation students
Wednesday 5th March – Regional Swimming Sports
Thursday 27th March – School Cross Country
This Friday assembly will begin at 3:00. One of the items on the agenda will be the announcement of our 2025 student leaders and presenting them with their leadership badges. We will also have 2024 junior buddies presenting their senior buddies in Yr.6 an oak sapling grown from one of the thousands of acorns that have fallen in our school grounds. Parents/carers welcome at the assembly.
Miriam would like to remind choir students and their families about Christmas Carols. The 3-6 choir is performing 2 songs. Details are:
Tomorrow (Tuesday) is transition day for all students. Students will spend the day with their 2025 classes.
Michael Edwards
Thank you to Kate Boschetti for coming in and assisting me with doing a uniform stocktake – your assistance was greatly appreciated.
Unexplained Student Absences
I will be sending emails out to families whose children have had unexplained absences. If you could please reply to my email with the reason of the absence. My apologies if you had notified the school and it has been missed in the transition to Compass this year.
Outstanding Camp and Excursion costs
It is very disappointing to still have a large number of families that haven’t paid for camps and excursions that their children have attended this year. These activities are on a ‘User Pay Basis”.
We are doing our best to maintain high quality school camp experiences but we will need to review how we do this if camps and excursions continue to run at a loss due to agreed payments not being paid.
We will send emails out to these families again this week and would appreciate the payment to be made.
End of Year Pool Parties
A reminder that $2.70 cash needs to be sent to school for pool entry for the end of year pool parties. Pool membership will not cover entry. Another permission form will be sent home with students tonight who haven’t yet returned the form.
Enjoy your week.
Mia Lockett for demonstrating the value of fairness by helping her classmates to check their addition facts using unifix cubes.
Aiden Hillier for demonstrating the value of fairness by working cooperatively with others to take on a shared responsibility.
Sebastian Davison for demonstrating the value of fairness by always supporting others while also making sure our classroom is a great place to be.
Jayde Pritchard for demonstrating the value of fairness by thoughtfully asking for her peers thoughts and opinions during group discussions.
Jasper Bulman for demonstrating the value of learning by making inferences during shared reading and additionally keeping energy and spirits high with your enthusiasm.
Amaya Whitley for demonstrating the value of learning by working with focus when exploring ‘fact families’ to make connections between addition and subtraction.
Max Boschetti for demonstrating the value of learning by creating an interesting and descriptive shape poem about a ‘Hydra’ that was published to an exceptional standard.
Toby Neumeyer for demonstrating the value of learning by applying himself to redraft, improve and publish his shape poem about AFL.
Marley Makin for demonstrating the value of learning by using creative adjectives to build description in her shape poem about presents.
Artemis Ashcroft for demonstrating the value of learning by showing dedication to her creative writing- often continuing her novels beyond school hours.
Gus Dean for demonstrating the value of respect by value by showing initiative to keep our class library and readers in order. Thank you for taking care!
Clancy Kellaway for demonstrating the value of respect by supporting his classmates during Sounds-Write to help identify our target sound in a short story.
Taidhg James-Hillier for demonstrating the value of respect by paying attention to others’ perspectives and valuing their opinions.
Lizzie Martini for demonstrating the value of respect by being an excellent role model for others in school and being inclusive.
Henry Lerch for demonstrating the value of respect by consistently working in a calm, quiet and focused manner in class.
Hunter Wall for demonstrating the value of respect by being a kind and inclusive friend always.
We’re almost at the end of the last term of the year and with that, comes the Silly Season. Routines tend to get thrown out the window at this time of year, late nights are had, Christmas parties are celebrated and most times, there are lots and lots of treats (yum). Combine all these and you potentially have a mix for some dysregulated and tired children.
Emotions tend to run high when we’re tired and our capacity to bounce back can be limited. Week 10’s mental health & wellbeing support tool is a mindfulness one. YouTube channel, ‘The Mindfulness Teacher’, has some lovely clips where your child can practice a breathing technique or do a gentle relaxation. We’ve used some of these in SEL at school.
A couple of my favs are- The Body Scanner and Bubble Bounce. It’s best listened to and watched on a smaller device and with headphones on, in a quiet, calm position.
Enjoy your week.
Stacey Hogan
Mental Health & Wellbeing Leader
Families should have received their code for the School Savings Bonus (SSB) portal. When you log into the portal please select school activities and allocated the $400 fully there. If you wish to spend some of it on uniforms please advise the office when you are making the purchase that you would like the cost to come out of the SSB.
If you haven’t yet received an email with your code please call into the office.
There are still families who have not paid for their children’s hot lunches. Sandra will be sending emails out to these families this week – payment would be greatly appreciated.
This final Hot Lunch for this term is a BBQ sizzle and icy fruit tube.
Thanks for another great term of Hot Lunches everybody! It takes a huge effort from busy parents, students and teachers to prepare so many meals, but it's a fabulous way to celebrate the end of each school week. A special thanks to all the year 6 students who have been amazing Hot Lunch helpers this year - we will miss having you in the kitchen as you head off on your next adventures!
Hannah Glanville-Jones
YPS Hot Lunch Coordinator
News from the Art Room
Below is an invitation to attend Beechworth Secondary College's Arts and Technology showcase on Thursday 12th December, where there will also be some artwork on display by students from Yackandandah Primary School.
The Yackandandah Community Carols are on Wednesday December 11 at the Memorial Gardens commencing with a BBQ at 6 pm and the Carols commencing at 6:30
The Year 3-6 Choir will be singing two songs: Rockin' around the Christmas Tree and Aussie Jingle Bells.
Students can wear casual Christmassy clothes.
A note was sent home with choir students last week.
Miriam Briggs.
As you would have read in last week’s newsletter, Ben and Angus from Year 6 presented a project at the University of Melbourne’s Mathematics and Statistics Research Competition. This was a huge honour and achievement given that this is a competition drawing competitors from all over Australia and New Zealand. The invitation to present their project on Tissue / Toilet Paper was due to the fact that their entry was a Top Five finalist.
The students worked on this project for over four months. The project tapped into many areas of learning, including:
Aside from making the Top 5, the students were also proud of the way they were able to simplify what had become a complex problem, present this to highly qualified mathematics academics and answer a range of impromptu questions about their work. This would be intimidating for any of us.
Ben and Angus would recommend this project to future students as “it offers the opportunity to advance your learning through mathematics and go deeply into a particular investigation. What may seem to be a simple problem can reveal itself to be something with complexity and patterns to explore.”
The next problem for Ben and Angus is what to do with their $200 prize money (each!!).
Congratulations to Oscar Dickeson (5/6E) who has turned his heat map green on timetables rockstars green last week . This means he is consistently answering the 12x tables questions in 4 seconds or less.
A reminder to all Grades 3-6 students and parents at home, it’s recommended a “little and often” approach is adopted; 3 minutes practice a day, 4 or 5 times a week is a good target.
Contact your child’s teacher if you require more information on how you can support your child to turn their heat map green.
The team behind 'A Little Taste of Yack' have been busily compiling and editing our fundraising cookbook and we are about to send it to the printers! So now it's time to place your orders. The books will be available around 2 December (Week 9 of term) for pickup from the school office. They will cost $40 each and payment should be made to the office using the usual processes (i.e. making a deposit quoting your name and "cookbook" in the transaction detail). Orders can be placed through the following link or in person to Michael. We are limiting the ordering exclusively to the YPS community so this is your chance to secure your copies of the book. Any extra copies after these orders have been filled will be made available to purchase to the broader community. This will include your ordered copies if you've ordered and haven't paid by 29 November. See the pictures below for a sneak preview.
Ordering link:
YPS Cookbook Team
Vacation Care will operate during the January school holidays from Monday 13th January to Friday 24th January 2025. Bookings can be made through the Xplor app or with the OSHC staff.
We are also operating on the Pupil Free Day 28th January 2025.
7th December – Paddy Grogan
7th December – Lillian Pretty
8th December – Indi Stagg
10th December – Grace Scobie
13th December – Sierra Allan