Friday 31st January – School Swimming Sports Years 3-6
Wednesday 5th February – No school for Foundation students
Wednesday 12th February - No school for Foundation students
Thursday 13th February – District Swimming Sports
- Book Club Closes
Friday 14th February – MTB – Falls Creek
Wednesday 19th February – No school for Foundation students
Friday 21st February – Division Swimming Sports
Wednesday 26th February – No school for Foundation students
Wednesday 5th March – Regional Swimming Sports
Thursday 27th March – School Cross Country
Friday 28th March – School Cross Country (Back up day)
Wednesday 7th May – school Photos
Friday 30th May – Division Cross Country
Friday 13th June – Regional Cross Country , Benalla
Congratulations to all the students, staff and families on the work you have done over the year. The day-to-day learning may be difficult to see, but when considering the year, there is so much to be proud of. When reflecting on our learning it is important to remember that facing the difficult challenges is where the best learning happens. I am proud of the efforts of students and staff – hard work pays off.
Our Yr. 6 graduation ceremony takes place this Wednesday evening in the town hall. We will be celebrating the seven years of primary school that our Yr. 6 students have completed as they are about to begin the next step – secondary school.
Thank you to everyone for your support for the children and the school over the year. I’m a firm believer that we gain the most from things when we put in the most – and we are fortunate in our school community in this respect.
I wish everyone a restful holiday break and a happy Christmas and New Year. I hope you find the time and space to slow down, relax and find opportunities for quality family time.
Michael Edwards
End of Year Pool Parties
If you haven’t yet paid for the pool parties, could you please send $2.70 to the office tomorrow so we aren’t chasing around for it on the day. Thank you.
2025 Term Dates
Term 1
Wednesday 29th January to Friday 4th April
Term 2
Tuesday 22nd April to Friday 4th July
Term 3
Monday 21st July to Friday 19th September
Term 4
Monday 6th October to Friday 19th December
Wishing everyone a merry Xmas and a happy new year.
Lucy Hillier for demonstrating the value of fairness by always encouraging others and being a fair and co-operative peer. You are a great leader in our class.
Kaia Allan for demonstrating the value of fairness by working hard, thinking of others and listening so well this year.
Bonnie McLeod for demonstrating the value of fairness by being a kind and inclusive classmate always.
Lillian Pretty for demonstrating the value of learning by actively contributing your creative ideas to our class poetry writing. It is wonderful to see you so involved!
Amber Wallace for demonstrating the value of learning by carefully editing and creatively publishing her Haiku entitled ‘Tree’. Well done Amber!
Judd Maybury for demonstrating the value of learning by enthusiastically participating in all writing tasks and taking pride in his published creative pieces.
Dylan Hewitt for demonstrating the value of learning by making connections and creatively using information from a non-fiction reader to write a contrasting ‘diamante’ poem.
Sara Davison for demonstrating the value of learning by being brave and determined to sing a solo version of “I am Australian’ to the class.
Tom Murphy for demonstrating the value of learning by reciting a long and arduous song entirely by heart in front of the whole class.
Billie McInerney for demonstrating the value of learning by compiling an impressive selection of writing pieces across the year that have been beautifully presented in her end of year book.
Raff Garguilo for demonstrating the value of learning by working hard all the way to the final bell.
Ryver Scannell for demonstrating the value of respect by always having impeccable manners when working with your peers and teachers.
Macklan James-Hillier for demonstrating the value of respect by always showing care and offering comfort to your classmates. What a superstar!
Hush McLennan for demonstrating the value of respect by always sharing her thoughts and ideas and listening to the contributions of her classmates attentively during ‘turn and talk’ discussions.
Nate Milward for demonstrating the value of respect by thoughtfully and kindly helping to prepare class resources for others benefits.
Yuki Makin-Ginn for demonstrating the value of respect by constantly using her manners and working with a quiet and focused approach in class.
Huddy Street for demonstrating the value of respect by always being kind, inclusive and a wonderful listener.
Lucia-Mary Gosling for demonstrating the value of respect by support others with their learning and ensuring the classroom is a fun and safe space for everyone.
Week 11’s mental health and wellbeing support tool is a program for parents called Triple P Positive Parenting. This is a program that runs online and the best bit about it is, it’s free!
Gateway Health run this program through their service from time to time, you can phone them for more details on- (02) 6022 8888.
I’d like to wish everyone a safe and happy holidays, and I look forward to seeing you all in the new year.
Stacey Hogan
Mental Health & Wellbeing Leader
Arts and Technology Showcase at Beechworth Secondary College
Last Thursday evening, Beechworth Secondary College celebrated its Arts and Technology Showcase, exhibiting a range of works across different art forms and materials, including music performance. Student work from Yackandandah Primary School was also on display. It was great to see so many Yack students and their families attending the showcase to view the display and experience an exhibition space.
A warm thank you to Sarah McAlister, for selecting and delivering a colourful collection of F/1/2 sculptures to Beechworth for the showcase.
Lastly, please make some room on the fridge for artworks made over this semester to arrive home on Wednesday! Stay creative over the summer.
The cook books have arrived and look fantastic. If you have ordered please collect from the office. If you did not order it is not too late to purchase – we have spares in the office.
Vacation Care will operate during the January school holidays from Monday 13th January to Friday 24th January 2025. Bookings can be made through the Xplor app or with the OSHC staff.
We are also operating on the Pupil Free Day 28th January 2025.
14th December – Alfie Bayne
20th December – Yuki Maken-Ginn
22nd December – Will Black
23rd December – Tom McAlister
25th December – Felix Anderson
30th December – Makin Sunday
Indigo Shire Libraries School holiday activities January 2025
Building and Construction
What amazing constructions and creations can you make using K’NEX, marble runs and magnetic tiles? The Beechworth Toy Library has generously partnered with us so we can bring this building equipment to our libraries.
This program is designed for 5 - 12 year olds.
Bookings: Required as places are limited
Where: Rutherglen Library When: Thursday 9 January Time: 2.00 – 3.00pm
Where: Yackandandah Library
When: Monday 13 January
Time: 10.00 – 11.00am
Cushions and Crafts.
In this session, you can make a lion cushion by simply tying knots and adding a face and wiggle eyes and complete some other crafts.
This program is designed for 5 - 9 year olds. Bookings: Required as places are limited.
Where: St Mark’s Church Hall, Tangambalanga When: Tuesday 14 January Time: 1.30 – 2.30pm
Nature dream catchers
Laura from Forever Young Creative Kids Collective will assist participants to design and make a nature dream catcher. This program is designed for 5 - 12 year olds.
Bookings: Required as places are limited
Where: Rutherglen Library
When: Tuesday 14 January
Time: 10.30 - 11.30am
Where: Yackandandah Librar
When: Tuesday 21 January
Time: 2.00 – 3.00 pm
NGV: Kids on Tour Activities
For these activities bookings are not required so feel free to drop in.
Furry Friend Headband.
Children are invited to join us for stories followed by creating their own set of cat or dog ears inspired by their favourite pets. This program is designed for 3 - 6 year olds.
Where: Chiltern Library
When: Friday 10 January
Time: 1.30 - 2.30pm
Where: Beechworth Library
When: Friday 17 January
Time: 11.00am – 12.00 noon
Bogong Moths.
Children will receive a paper template of the Australian bogong moth to make their own paper moth and learn interesting facts about this special Australian insect.
This program is designed for 5 year olds and over.
Where: Chiltern Library
When: Thursday 16 January
Time: 2.00 - 3.00pm
Where: Beechworth Library
When: Monday 20 January Time: 10.30 – 11.30am
Fashion, Culture & Creativity.
In this activity, everyone can create a paper doll with its own wardrobe when they design sets of paper clothes while learning about fashion, design, colour and patterns.
This program is designed for 5 year olds and over.
Where: Chiltern Library
When: Thursday 16 January
Time: 10.30 - 11.30am
Where: Beechworth Library
When: Monday 20 January
Time: 2.00 – 3.00pm
Lots of Dots.
Come and listen to Lots of Dots by Yoyoi Kusama, then everyone is invited to add their favourite colourful dots and write a short poem or message about pumpkins.
This program is designed for 3 - 8 year olds.
Where: Chiltern Library
When: Friday 10 January
Time: 10.30 - 11.30am
Where: Beechworth Library When: Friday 17 January
Time: 1.30 – 2.30pm
Make a Pompom
Create a bush flower pompom using yarn, embroidery thread and colourful felts to then tag to your school bag, key chain or anything else.
This program is designed for 12 year olds and over.
Where: Chiltern Library
When: Wednesday 8 January
Time: 2.00 - 3.00pm
Where: Beechworth Library
When: Monday 13 January
Time: 2.00 – 3.00pm
For more information about these activities please contact your nearest branch of Indigo Shire Libraries